Interdisciplinary Lessons for a World of 8 Billion
Free Virtual Workshop for Grade 6-12 Teachers
October 19, 2022 4:30-5:30pm ET
Global population will hit 8 billion this November, and Population Education wants to help you commemorate this important milestone with your students. Join our team on October 19th for lesson plans and resources that explore population trends and what they mean for our global family.
Through lively conversation and interactive tools, our presenters will share lessons and tools that explore population history, how our global population is expected to grow in the coming decades, and the environmental and social challenges we’ll face as we work toward a sustainable future for all.
PopEd’s unique lessons will make demographic topics and global issues come alive. Don’t miss the chance to bring this teachable moment into your classroom!
All participants will receive:
- Our full K-12 curriculum, Teaching Population, with over 60 lesson plans, a full set of infographics, and a library of student readings.
- Details on how to participate in our new and improved annual student video contest,
- Certificate of completion, showing 1-hour virtual PD.
- Access to online tools such as interactive slides and docs to enhance student learning.
"The workshop I participated in was absolutely amazing. The information presented was so useful and I can’t wait to incorporate it into my classroom. I was glad that many of the activities were on Google docs and so it could be easily accessed for later use!"
- PopEd webinar attendee